Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park

The Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park is one of Tennessee's two archaeological parks. Although the 51-site campsite is only one mile from the public pool in nearby Manchester, it feels like a world away in terms of spirit and history. The site is ancient, going back over 2,000 years, and its original function remains a mystery to this day.
Visitors today may see a 50-acre hilltop enclosure made up of mounds and walls carved out of limestone cliffs. According to one notion, for hundreds of years, Indigenous peoples may have utilized this spot as a ritual gathering place. Orient yourself by approaching the 1.4-mile loop trail with interpretative signs from behind the stone museum. From the trail, you can see three levels of beautiful falls as well as the remains of an ancient paper mill. Several smaller walks branch off the main interpretive trail, which explains how sawmills, gristmills, and even a Civil War gunpowder mill developed throughout the 1800s. Trails, camping, paddling, and fishing on the Duck River are all popular activities for park visitors.
Address: 732 Stone Fort Drive, Manchester, Tennessee