Parasyte: The Maxim
Shinichi Izumi, a high school student who becomes infected by a parasitic extraterrestrial that takes over his right hand, is the protagonist of Parasyte: The Maxim, a sci-fi horror anime. They must work together to combat other parasites that have infiltrated human society and threaten to wipe off humanity.
The anime is a thrilling and engrossing viewing that delves into concepts like identity, morality, survival, and coexistence. The animation is smooth and precise, the voice acting is excellent, and the soundtrack is appropriate and memorable. Shinichi and his parasitic partner Migi have a fascinating and dynamic relationship, and the characters are well-developed and intriguing.
Parasyte: The Maxim is recommended to everyone who appreciates sci-fi horror anime with a gripping tale and characters. It is one of the best dubbed animes on Netflix that you can watch in one sitting.
Directed by: Kenichi Shimizu
Released: October 8, 2014
Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Seinen
Link to watch: