The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins is a popular anime series based on Nakaba Suzuki's manga of the same name. It follows the exploits of a band of legendary knights who were falsely accused of toppling the kingdom of Liones. They are sought ten years later by Princess Elizabeth, who believes they are the only ones who can end the Holy Knights' rule.
The anime features four seasons and a movie, all of which are available on Netflix with English dubbing. The dubbing is excellent, with voice performers who perfectly reflect the personalities and emotions of the characters. The animation is particularly amazing, with flowing and vivid visuals that represent epic battles and fantastical realms.
The plot is interesting, with twists and turns that keep viewers interested. The characters are likable, with each having their own past and development. The humor is also a highlight, with witty and amusing banter that complements the serious times.
The Seven Deadly Sins are one of the best dubbed animes on Netflix, and a must-watch for fans of action, and adventure
Directed by: Tensai Okamura
Released: October 5, 2014
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Link to watch: