Pico de Tancítaro

Pico de Tancítaro, also known as Volcán Tancítaro, is a Mexican volcanic mountain. It is situated in the municipality of Tanctaro in the state of Michoacán. It is Michoacán's highest point.

Pico de Tancítaro is a stratovolcano with andesitic-dacitic magma. It was active between 800,000 and 237,000 years ago and is now thought to be extinct. It is part of the much larger volcanic field of Michoacán–Guanajuato. Some of the volcanic field is still active. Parícutin is a young volcano 11 kilometers northeast of Pico de Tancítaro. It erupted for the first time in 1943 and remained active and growing in size until 1952.

Pine-oak forest, open pine forest, and montane mesophyll or cloud forest are among the plant communities found on the mountain, with alpine grasslands known as Zacatonal found at higher elevations. The mountain is home to approximately 207 different animal species.

Pico de Tancítaro Flora and Fauna Protection Area spans 23,405 acres and ranges in elevation from 2,200 to 3,840 meters. On July 27, 1940, the area was designated as a national park, and on August 19, 2009, it was renamed a flora and fauna protection area. Pico de Tancítaro National Park is still widely known. Pico de Tancítaro and Parícutin are both included in the protected area.

Location: Tancítaro, Michoacán, Mexico

Elevation: 3,840 m (12,600 ft)


Top 10 Highest Mountains in Mexico

  1. top 1 Pico De Orizaba
  2. top 2 Popocatépetl
  3. top 3 Iztaccihuatl
  4. top 4 Nevado de Toluca
  5. top 5 Malinche
  6. top 6 Nevado de Colima
  7. top 7 Cofre de Perote
  8. top 8 Volcán Tacaná
  9. top 9 Cerro Ajusco
  10. top 10 Pico de Tancítaro

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