Playmates Toys Limited
Playmates Toys Limited is ranked 7th in the list of Asia's most valuable toy manufacturers. Playmates Toys Limited is a global toy company based in Hong Kong. Playmates Toys Limited
was founded in 1966 as a doll company and produced the famous Shirley and Dolls of All Nations dolls in the 1970s.
Playmates Toys Limited currently designs and manufactures toys in Hong Kong and California. Playmates Toys Limited sells and distributes products in more than 60 countries. Playmates Toys Limited sells toys under eight brands, including the most popular Spy Ninjas, Billie Eilish and Power Players. After significant growth, Playmates Toys Limited's total revenue surged to $37.31 million in fiscal 2020.
Founded: 2007
Country: HongKong, China
Market Capitalization: $87.44 million (As of August 21, 2021)
Brand value: $37.31 million (2020)