"Ponyo" is a captivating Japanese animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story revolves around Ponyo, a goldfish with a curious spirit who escapes her underwater home and befriends a young boy named Sosuke. Their bond grows stronger, and Ponyo becomes determined to become human. In her quest for humanity, Ponyo's magical transformation sets off a series of extraordinary events, upsetting the natural order of the world. As Ponyo's powers and desires clash with the forces of nature, a fantastical adventure unfolds.
The film beautifully explores themes of friendship, love, and the delicate balance between humans and the environment. The animation is a visual feast, filled with vibrant colors and imaginative landscapes.
"Ponyo" is celebrated for its enchanting storytelling, endearing characters, and its ability to appeal to audiences of all ages. With its magical charm and universal themes, the film remains a beloved classic in the world of animated cinema.
- Directed by: Miyazaki Hayao
- Production companies: Studio Ghibli, Nippon Television Network (NTV), Dentsu
- Released: 19 July 2008
- Duration: 101 minutes
- Budget: $34 million
- Box office: $204 million
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3605017/