Princess Mononoke
"Princess Mononoke" is a 1997 animated epic fantasy film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story revolves around Ashitaka, a young warrior who becomes cursed by a boar demon while defending his village. In search of a cure, Ashitaka embarks on a journey to the west and becomes entangled in a conflict between industrial humans led by Lady Eboshi and the mystical spirits of the forest, including the wolf princess San (Princess Mononoke).
The film explores the complex relationships between nature and industry, depicting the environmental impact of human actions. The characters navigate a morally gray world, challenging traditional notions of good and evil. Princess Mononoke herself is a fierce and determined character, raised by wolves and committed to protecting the forest.
"Princess Mononoke" is celebrated for its breathtaking animation, intricate storytelling, and thought-provoking themes, addressing environmentalism, humanity's place in the natural world, and the consequences of unchecked industrialization. The film stands as a masterpiece of Japanese animation and has gained global acclaim for its depth and visual splendor.
- Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki
- Production companies: DENTSU Music And Entertainment, Nibariki, Nippon Television Network (NTV)
- Released: 12 July 1997
- Budget: ¥2.4 billion
- Box office: $169 million
- Running time: 134 minutes
- Watching here: