The Anthem of The Heart
"The Anthem of the Heart" is a 2015 anime film directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai. The story follows Jun Naruse, a high school girl whose life takes a transformative turn after accidentally witnessing her father's infidelity. Traumatized by the experience, she is cursed by a mysterious egg fairy and loses the ability to speak her mind. Years later, she becomes a member of the school's Outreach Committee, where she, along with other troubled students, is tasked with producing a musical for the community.
As they work together on the project, the characters confront their own emotional struggles and secrets. The film beautifully explores themes of communication, forgiveness, and self-discovery. Through the process of creating the musical, Jun and her friends learn to express their feelings and find healing.
"The Anthem of the Heart" is praised for its heartfelt narrative, engaging characters, and the emotional impact of its themes. The film combines elements of drama, romance, and music to deliver a touching story about the power of words and the importance of finding one's voice.
- Directed by: Tatsuyuki Nagai
- Production companies: The Anthem of the Heart Production Committee, A-1 Pictures, Aniplex
- Released: 19 September 2015
- Box office: $8.8 million
- Running time: 119 minutes
- Watching here: