Practice Mindfulness for a Fun and Guilt-Free Social Event
Barbecues are a fun and festive time. So practice mindfulness, or being present in the moment, and have fun! Don't forget to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially if it's hot outside. Staying hydrated may also help to keep hunger cues at bay. Fill your plate with a variety of bright foods, such as vegetables and salsa, but not to the point of deprivation. Take a small piece of one or two to savor if you want to enjoy some traditional sweets.
Another mindfulness technique is mindful eating, which involves paying attention to the texture and flavors of your food while you eat. At BBQs, mindful eating goes a long way. Indeed, studies suggest that mindful eating may be a valuable technique to include in your weight-loss strategy since past studies suggest that it might help with portion control and lower food cravings.