Premier Is (Denmark)
Anytime you choose to travel to Denmark - at whatever season of the year, in any part of the nation - you will almost certainly come across a tiny booth or camp with a colorful "Ice Cream" sign pasted on it. Popularly regarded as the year-round dessert king in Denmark, ice cream is the reason Denmark has become a common tourist spot. Many view this lovely country as the "original home of ice cream advertising".
A diverse group of manufacturers has entered and exited Denmark's ice cream market. To this day, only a chosen few still maintain their undeniable dominance in the sector, controlling a combined 51 percent of the Danish dairy market. Among them is "Premier Is". This manufacturer specializes in local products and owns two of the earliest and most well-known luxury ice cream companies in the area — Gammeldags and Mejerigaarden and Gammeldags.
"Premier Is" spent its money on strategic marketing research and innovation to maintain its top spot and energize its brands. As a result of their findings, the company decided to tweak its brand portfolio, invent different branding and labeling designs, and realign itself in the consumer market.
Founded: 1993
Headquarters: Thisted