Public Bathrooms Can be a Bit Confusing

Despite the fact that many public restrooms have Western-style toilets, the squatty potty is not uncommon. To avoid undesired splashing, make sure the tips of your shoes line up with the front of the porcelain when using it. Other toilets may be equipped with a remote-control-like operating system that can start a bidet or warm the toilet seat.

Because the toilet paper dispenser is sometimes outside the restroom entrance in older buildings, make sure you have enough before entering the cubicle. Instead of flushing used toilet paper, place it in a garbage can to avoid clogging the toilet.

Brushing one's teeth in the university bathroom or at the train station is completely acceptable. Koreans clean their teeth after every meal. Tourist even noticed some folks strolling around with toothbrushes in their hands. Still not used to that one!

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