Pureology has a captivating origin story that began in 2001 when it was founded in Irvine, California, by Jim Markham, a prominent hairdresser and entrepreneur. Pureology's philosophy revolves around the belief that beautiful hair can be achieved without compromising on hair health or the environment. The brand's mission is to provide superior care for color-treated hair by utilizing the finest ingredients and advanced formulations.
One of Pureology's most groundbreaking innovations was the introduction of its unique AntiFade Complex technology. This technology was designed to protect hair color from fading and ensure vibrancy and brilliance for longer periods. With a focus on natural plant extracts and aromatherapy-inspired fragrances, Pureology aims to create an indulgent and rejuvenating hair care experience for its users.
Pureology's commitment to vegan and environmentally friendly ingredients is evident in the quality and performance of its shampoos. Its products are free from harmful chemicals and are formulated with natural plant extracts that nourish and strengthen the hair. Moreover, the aromatherapy-inspired fragrances are a delightful touch, providing a relaxing and enjoyable hair care experience.
In terms of price, Pureology shampoos fall on the higher end of the spectrum compared to some mainstream hair care brands. However, the exceptional performance and long-lasting effects on hair color make it a worthwhile investment, especially for those who prioritize maintaining vibrant and healthy color-treated hair.
Founded: 2001
Headquarters: New Jersey, United States
Website: https://www.pureology.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Pureology/