Quora is a Q&A platform where people can ask questions and get answers from experts in the community. It’s a great place to find out about new products and services, as well as to learn about different topics.
There are 3 Quora’s advertising formats including Promoted Answers, Promoted Questions, and Display Ads. Firstly, Promoted Answers are a type of advertisement that appears at the top of a question page. These answers are written by companies or individuals, promoting their products or services, which are relevant to the question being asked.
Promoted Answers are a great way for businesses to establish credibility and showcase their expertise in a particular field. The next ads format is Promoted Questions. These ads are designed to look like regular questions, but they are boosted to appear more frequently in the sidebar of a topic page. When a user clicks on a promoted question, they're taken to a landing page that can feature a blog post, a product page, a video, or any other type of content. Promoted questions can be a great way to reach a highly targeted audience and promote your brand in a natural.
Finally, Display ads are an effective way to promote your brand or product. They allow businesses to use eye-catching images, animations, and other design elements to make their ads stand out.
Website: https://www.quora.com/