The 2007 Disney and Pixar film Ratatouille follows the story of a rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a chef. When he is accidentally separated from his family, Remy finds himself in the sewers of Paris and learns that he can cook. Despite the obstacles he faces (including the fact that he's a rat), Remy is determined to follow his dream and ultimately learns that anyone can cook... with a little help from his friends, of course.
When he's accidentally stranded in Paris, Remy finds himself in the perfect place to pursue his dream. He teams up with a young boy named Alfredo Linguini, and together they create some of the most amazing food the city has ever seen. Ratatouille is a heartwarming tale of friendship, determination, and good old-fashioned hard work.
If you're looking for a film that will transport you to the City of Love, then Ratatouille is the perfect choice. From the stunning shots of Paris to the delicious-looking food, this film will definitely make you want to book a trip to the French capital. And who knows, maybe you'll even be inspired to try your hand at cooking a ratatouille dish of your own!
The film was praised for its animation, voice acting, and humor. Ratatouille won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and was nominated for several other awards. If you're looking for a fun and heartwarming movie, you can't go wrong with Ratatouille.
Year of Release: 2017
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 96%