Religion is also one of the Thai culture, customs, and etiquette that you should know before traveling to Thailand. Theravada Buddhism is practiced widely in Thailand. Thailand's religion differs from that of other Buddhist nations as a result of the infusion of several foreign components. Local ideas have been somewhat inspired by Hindu practices and traditional Chinese beliefs, but Thai Buddhism has been greatly influenced by animist beliefs, which have had a big impact on it. Islam is the second most widespread religion in Thailand, behind Christianity, which is thought to represent fewer than 1% of the country's population.
The syncretism of Buddhism with other religions is a significant aspect of the religion in Thailand. Buddhism is influenced by both Animism and Hinduism, at least as it is practiced in Thailand. Spirit homes are observable examples of Animism in Thai Buddhism that may be seen all around Thailand. Spirit houses are miniature model homes that frequently resemble Buddhist temples and are residences for the ghosts connected to a location. Thais frequently make allowances for any ghosts or spirits they may perceive to be nearby. To placate the spirits that were agitated during the construction of the house, Thai homes frequently contain spirit houses. Daily sacrifices of food and flowers are offered to these spirits.