Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad is written in the style of a series of parables, ostensibly based on Kiyosaki's life, by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It promotes financial literacy (financial education), financial independence, and wealth creation through asset investing, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one's financial intelligence (financial IQ) to improve one's business and financial aptitude. According to the creator of Rich Dad Poor Dad, he is using this program in order to teach the investors with realistic situations and actionable solutions to various financial problems that they may come across.
The titular "Rich Dad" is his friend's father, who amassed wealth through entrepreneurship and wise investing, while the "poor dad" is Kiyosaki's own father, who he claims worked hard his entire life but never achieved financial security.
Nobody has ever proven that "Rich Dad" the man who allegedly gave Kiyosaki all of his wealth-building advice, ever existed.
Language: English
Genre: Personal finance, Entrepreneurship, Business, Investing, Economics
The number of sale: >32 million copies