Romance 101
"Romance 101" is a renowned Manhwa that explores the intricacies of love, relationships, and self-discovery. The story follows Bareum, a young woman with a full planner but an empty dating life. Her world takes an unexpected turn when she's enticed to join a programming club by her friend's attractive coworker. This twist of fate hints at the possibility of romance finally gracing her life. However, Bareum's inexperience in matters of the heart presents its own challenges, making her journey both endearing and relatable.
What adds a unique twist to "Romance 101" is Bareum's penchant for encountering her love interest's bad-tempered friend instead. This unexpected connection creates a dynamic blend of humor and tension, adding depth to the narrative.
Overall, "Romance 101" is a charming webtoon that explores the rollercoaster of emotions that come with a budding romance, capturing the essence of youthful love and the quirks that make relationships both exciting and unpredictable.
- Author: Namsoo
- Genre: Romance
- Status: Finished
- Episode: 12
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