True Beauty
"True Beauty" is a popular South Korean Manhwa written and illustrated by Yaongyi. The story follows the life of Lim Jugyeong, a high school girl who is self-conscious about her appearance. To cope with her insecurities, Jugyeong turns to makeup and transforms herself into a stunning beauty. However, she struggles to maintain this perfect image while keeping her true self hidden.
The Manhwa explores themes of identity, self-acceptance, and societal pressures. It delves into the consequences of living a life built on appearances and the importance of embracing one's true beauty from within. With its relatable characters, compelling storyline, and stunning artwork, "True Beauty" has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. It offers a powerful message about loving oneself and breaking free from the shackles of superficiality.
- Author: Yaongyi
- Genre: Romance
- Status: Finished
- Episode: 7
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