The Lady With a Mask
"The Lady with a Mask" is an intriguing and captivating Manhwa that revolves around the dual life of Viola Lim. By day, Viola is a dedicated secretary, but by night, she transforms into a secret children's storybook author known as Violet. This double life is her escape from her oppressive and rude boss, Harrison Kwon.
Viola's talent as a writer is undeniable, and "The Child with A Mask" is her masterpiece. However, her anonymity is threatened when Harrison Kwon, her enigmatic yet attractive boss, expresses a keen interest in finding the elusive author behind the beloved children's book. This sets the stage for a gripping narrative that explores the tension between Viola's professional life and her hidden creative identity.
As the story unfolds, readers are drawn into a web of secrets and mysteries, wondering how long Viola can keep her true identity concealed and why Harrison is so determined to uncover the truth. "The Lady with a Mask" promises a delightful blend of romance, intrigue, and the complexities of maintaining a hidden passion in the face of professional demands.
- Authors: Merin / Park Hanna
- Genre: Romance
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 55
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