Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes and the Tomatometer score are the world's most reliable sources of quality entertainment recommendations. As the leading online aggregate of reviewers' movie and TV show reviews, it provides fans with a complete reference to what's Fresh – and Rotten – in theaters and at home.
It also provides movie and television fans with unique editorial content on the site and through social channels, produces amusing and informative video series, and holds live events for fans across the country, including 'Your Opinion Sucks' live shows. You've come to the perfect place if you're an entertainment enthusiast seeking a recommendation or to share your thoughts.
Rotten Tomatoes has recruited a team of curators tasked with reading thousands of movie and television reviews each week. Every day, the team collects movie and television reviews from Tomatometer-approved reviewers and publications, generating Tomatometer scores. The curators examine these reviews carefully, noting whether they are Fresh or Rotten, then select a sample pull quote. Tomatometer-approved reviewers can also self-submit their work. With professionalism and methodically, this website is always ranked in the best website to read movie reviews.
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