Seoyoung, My Daughter
Seoyoung, My Daughter is a South Korean television series that premiered in 2012. It stars Lee Bo-young, Chun Ho-jin, Lee Sang-yoon, and Park Hae-jin. The family drama centers on Seo-young and her father's broken relationship, which they eventually mend with the help of her twin brother. It aired on KBS2 on Saturdays and Sundays at 19:55 for 50 episodes from September 15, 2012, to March 3, 2013. It had the highest viewership rating of any Korean drama in 2013, with 47.6 percent.
The story is fairly old fashioned and classical, a poor but super smart and self-confident girl with family problems met an obnoxious rich guy and fell in love. As the title implies, a central theme of the show is the relationship between Seo Young and her father. It would not be a big giveaway to say there's a conflict between them. In this film, Park Hae-jin plays Lee Sang-woo in this film. Seoyoung, My Daughter won Best Drama at the 2013 Korea Drama Awards.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Yoo Hyun-ki
Starring: Lee Bo-young, Chun Ho-jin, Lee Sang-yoon, and Park Hae-jin
Release date: 15 September 2012