
The dread of lengthy words is known as sesquipedalophobia. The irony is obvious because the term itself is absurdly lengthy. Sesquipedalophobic people may find it difficult to read articles, books, or even go out in public because they are afraid of seeing an extremely lengthy word printed on a billboard or sign anywhere. In fact, Bryant Oden's well-known humorous song "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" was inspired by this condition.

This is an extremely unusual phobia that is not as widespread as achluphobia (fear of the dark), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), or cynophobia (fear of dogs). Sesquipedalophobic people may find it difficult to go about their daily lives since their phobia causes heightened levels of dread and stress. Despite the fact that they are aware that their condition is unreasonable, they are unable to look or read long sentences without suffering excruciating anxiety. Sesquipedalophobic people may purposefully avoid circumstances in which they will be forced to read lengthy words. As a result, they may make certain that their day job needs little to no reading or writing. Such symptoms, however, will vary widely from person to person.

Sesquipedalophobic people may have a tough time going about their daily lives since they are attempting to avoid lengthy words. They may refuse to read restaurant menus, billboards, signs, or other kinds of literature in order to "shield" themselves from the discomfort caused by long words. Avoidance will most likely be utilized frequently, as they may make purposeful decisions not to read things or to look away when and if they are in the presence of some form of material. When confronted with a long word, someone suffering from sesquipedalophobia is likely to experience intense worry and tension. Their bodies may go through physiological changes such as increased heart rate, elevated body temperature, muscular tension, parched mouth, shivering, and so on. In essence, their body may respond as if they were in the midst of a genuine threat.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Fear of long words - YouTube
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Fear of long words - YouTube

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