
The unreasonable dread of the color yellow is known as xanthophobia. Someone suffering with this illness might anticipate to feel extremely anxious by thinking about the color yellow, let alone seeing it in real life. In fact, their worry may be so acute that they experience a full-fledged panic attack as a result. Although such an increase in anxiety may not always be the case for everyone suffering with xanthophobia, it is nevertheless extremely possible.
A full-fledged panic attack caused by xanthophobia can cause an elevated heart rate, increased pace of breathing, higher blood pressure, muscular tension, shaking, and profuse perspiration, among other symptoms. Although panic attacks are not always the case for everyone having xanthophobia symptoms, they are nonetheless conceivable, especially if their symptoms are severe. Someone suffering from xanthophobia may avoid what they are afraid of. They may take this to its logical conclusion by ensuring that they are not exposed to the color yellow in any way.
Although someone with this illness may deliberately avoid their fear in an attempt to lower their odds of experiencing any acute anxiety, doing so may increase their xanthophobia symptoms in the long run since they are also justifying their dread to themselves by actively avoiding it.
Anxiety is the most common symptom of xanthophobia, as it is with practically every other phobia. Furthermore, as previously said, their anxiety may be so intense that individuals experience full-fledged panic attacks as a result of it. Depending on the intensity of their panic attack, they may require hospitalization. However, this will differ from person to person and will be determined by a variety of circumstances.