Shredded Hard Cheeses

Cheese is a type of dairy product that comes in a variety of textures and flavors. Some people are concerned about the fat, sodium, and calorie content of cheese. Cheese, on the other hand, is a great source of protein, calcium, and a variety of other minerals.
As a salad topping, shredded hard cheeses such as cheddar, gouda, parmesan, and manchego offer flavor and nutrition to your salad. For just over 100 calories, one ounce (28 grams) of shredded parmesan cheese has almost 10 grams of protein. It also contains 35% of the daily need for calcium, which is essential for bone health, blood clotting, and muscle contraction. Shredded cheeses in packets, as well as hard cheese blocks that may be shredded with a hand grater, are widely available that you can easily find everywhere.