Sierra Leone River

The Sierra Leone River is a river estuarine in Western Sierra Leone that flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It is between 4 and 10 miles wide (6–16 km) and 25 miles (40 km) long, it is formed by the Bankasoka and Rokel rivers. It is home to Queen Elizabeth II Quay and Pepel ports. Shipping is also vital in the estuary. It is the continent of Africa's largest natural harbor.

The estuary is home to several islands, notably Tasso Island (the largest), Tombo Island, and the historically significant Bunce Island. In the west of Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leone River estuary is classed as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, covering 2,950 square kilometers (1,140 square miles).

The swamps are mostly mangroves, although there are also tidal freshwater swamp woods in the vicinity. Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital city, lies on the south side of the harbor, while Lungi International Airport, the country's main airport, is on the north side of the harbor in a region known as the "Bullom Shore." The speed boat or ferry are the most common modes of transit from the airport to Freetown. Hovercraft or helicopter services have ceased to exist.

Length: 40 km

Top 6 Longest Rivers in Sierra Leone

  1. top 1 Great Scarcies River
  2. top 2 Little Scarcies River
  3. top 3 Sierra Leone River
  4. top 4 Rokel River
  5. top 5 Sewa River
  6. top 6 Mano River

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