Spider-Man: Far From Home
Following the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home sees the return of Peter Parker (Tom Holland). Our friendly local Super Hero chooses to go to Europe with his closest buddies MJ, Ned, and the remaining crew. Peter's intention to step away from super heroics for a few days is swiftly abandoned when he reluctantly agrees to assist Nick Fury (by Samuel L. Jackson) in unraveling the mystery of recent elemental monster assaults. Spider-Man and Mysterio (by Jake Gyllenhaal) team together to battle the carnage wreaked throughout the continent, but not all is as it seems.
While Avengers: Endgame altered the MCU forever, it really was Spider-Man: Far from Home which concluded the MCU's third phase. Once again, audiences flocked to theaters, anxious to find out how Peter Parker could cope with his mentor's devastating demise and how he would vanquish Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio.
Additionally, the film achieved something no previous live-action Spider-Man narrative has ventured to do: it transported Spider-Man from New York into Europe, which added a new dimension to the plot.
Year of Release: 2019
Worldwide Gross: $1.131B