Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2
The finest launch title for the Gamecube was a Star Wars game. Seriously. That's how good Rogue Leader is. It's as full of a Star Wars air-combat experience as you could wish, dropping players into the cockpits of a variety of different ships from the Star Wars universe, amid some of the most iconic sequences of the movie (and some other conflicts, too). It's not only in the game but it's done better than any other Hoth level in any previous game.
Even today, the game looks stunning, transporting you to new and old settings ranging from Bespin's Cloud City to hidden Imperial outposts. Rogue Leader is a lot of fun to play since it allows you to take on the Empire by engaging in daring frontal attacks on gigantic Star Destroyers and blasting your way through hordes of opposing TIEs. This is the ultimate experience for a great jet pilot.
Series: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Developers: LucasArts, Factor 5
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