Surtur is a made-up creature that frequently opposes Thor in American comic books produced by Marvel Comics. He made his debut in Journey into Mystery #97 and was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby based on the Norse mythical fire giant Surtr.
Surtur was portrayed as a gigantic, destructive, fire elemental demon of cataclysmic proportions. Surtur, who is over 1,000 feet (300 meters) tall, has physical qualities that far surpass those of Thor, including the capacity to produce great heat, flames, or concussive force, a prehensile tail, the ability to molecularly rearrange his fingers into serpents, flight, and interdimensional travel. He frequently exhibits cosmic abilities comparable to those of Odin. He is a skilled swordsman and warrior. Surtur is incredibly wise and is well-versed in legends from the past. He is also susceptible to powerful cold or certain magical powers.
Surtur has often threatened to destroy Asgard and Midgard, demonstrating his might. He also destroyed everything in the Nine Realms by combining the might of the Manchester Gods and his city of Muspelheim. He was implacable even in Thor: Ragnarok; his menace was simply postponed.
Nickname: malevolent elemental fire demon
Creator: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby