SuViche does not stand alone to represent Japanese or Peruvian cuisines, nor do they intend to simply "combine" these two cuisines. Rather, they aim to create a new type of cuisine that combines the ingredients, traditions, and uniqueness of each cuisine. Their concept combines these two cuisines to form a symbiotic relationship based on the traditions and ingredients that distinguish each cuisine.
When two or more distinct cuisines collide and mesh, an explosion of distinct flavors results. Your brain sparks new connections between the senses because it is so different and addictive. Experiencing flavors that are so vibrant that your mind fills with pure joy! This mind-boggling effect is unavoidable at SuViche; you'll grow accustomed to it. A fantastic dining experience does not begin or end with serving high-quality food. The tangible product happens to be food. They strive to provide the intangible—a genuine good-willed experience for their guests.
Google Rating: 4.0/5.0
Address: 2751 N Miami AveMiami33127
Contact: 305-501-5010