Tabitha Brown
Tabitha Bonita Brown is an American actress and social media celebrity who was born on February 4, 1979. She makes web videos that combine vegetarianism, humor, and motivational speaking. Brown has 4.9 million TikTok followers. HuffPost has referred to her as "America's Mom", and critics have praised her content as "comforting" and "calming". Brown briefly studied fashion before abandoning school to pursue acting. Brown turned to a vegan diet to aid with pain and exhaustion after acquiring chronic pain and lethargy. She started her Tiktok account in 2020 and quickly grew her following.
Come for the vegan dishes, but stay for the catchy tunes. Tabitha Brown, an actress who has appeared in films such as The Chi, makes vegan food with charming enthusiasm. In one video, she prepares a meal with leftover pasta, while in another, she uses liquid smoke to transform air-fried carrots into bacon. Her warmth and relatability, as well as off-the-cuff statements like "don't let that greedy spirit burn your mouth", before blowing on a hot portion of pasta, make her worth following.