Top 8 Gluten-Free Grains That Are Super Healthy

  1. top 1 Sorghum
  2. top 2 Quinoa
  3. top 3 Oats
  4. top 4 Buckwheat
  5. top 5 Amaranth
  6. top 6 Teff
  7. top 7 Corn
  8. top 8 Brown rice


Teff is a tiny but powerful grain. Teff is 1/100 the size of a wheat kernel, but it still has a lot of nourishment. Teff has a lot of protein, which helps increase satiety, lessen cravings, and speed up metabolism.

It also meets a portion of your daily fiber requirements. Fiber is a key part of a healthy diet and is linked to reduced appetite and weight reduction. One cup (252 grams) of cooked teff has 10 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. It also offers an abundance of B vitamins, including thiamine. Teff is a heart-healthy option for people with high blood pressure or other cardiovascular risk factors since it is naturally low in sodium. Try replacing some or all of the wheat flour in your baked goods with teff for a gluten-free option.


Top 8 Gluten-Free Grains That Are Super Healthy

  1. top 1 Sorghum
  2. top 2 Quinoa
  3. top 3 Oats
  4. top 4 Buckwheat
  5. top 5 Amaranth
  6. top 6 Teff
  7. top 7 Corn
  8. top 8 Brown rice

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