The Legend of Luo Xiaohei
The Legend of Luo Xiaohei is a Chinese animated series that follows the adventures of Luo Xiao Hei, a cat spirit who lives with a human girl named Luo Xiaobai. The series is divided into four seasons, each with different themes and stories.
The first season focuses on Luo Xiao Hei's daily life with Luo Xiaobai and her friends, as well as his encounters with other spirits and humans. He learns to adapt to the human world and to appreciate his new family.
The second season explores Luo Xiao Hei's past and his connection to the Heavenly Bright Pearl, a powerful artifact that he stole from Laojun, the supreme deity. He also faces new enemies and allies, such as the mysterious Wuxian and the loyal Fanwan.
The third season delves into the history and secrets of the spirit world, as well as the conflict between the spirit clans and the human hunters. Luo Xiao Hei joins forces with other spirits to protect their home and to stop a war from breaking out.
The fourth season concludes the series with an epic finale that reveals the true origin and destiny of Luo Xiao Hei, as well as the fate of the Heavenly Bright Pearl and the spirit world.
- Release date: March 18, 2011
- Developed by: Beijing Hanmu Chunhua Animation Technology Co., Ltd
- Number of episodes: 40
- Watch here: