The Outcast
The Outcast, also known as Yi Ren Zhi Xia or Hitori no Shita, is a Chinese-Japanese animated series that is based on a webcomic of the same name by Dong Man Tang. The series follows the adventures of Zhang Chulan, a college student who discovers that he has a special ability after being attacked by zombies in a graveyard.
Zhang Chulan meets Feng Baobao, a mysterious girl who claims to be his grandfather's friend and who also has a special ability. Together, they get involved in various supernatural incidents and conflicts, as well as the secrets of their abilities and their families.
The series also features other characters with different abilities, such as Houhou, a powerful martial artist who can manipulate her own blood; Wang Ye, a genius hacker who can control electricity; and Ouya, a mysterious woman who can manipulate time.
The series has five seasons so far, with the fifth season airing in 2022. It is produced by Haoliners Animation League and Emon Animation Company, and is broadcasted in both China and Japan. It is praised for its action scenes, character development, and plot twists.
- Release date: July 9, 2016
- Developed by: Haoliners Animation League and Emon Animation Company
- Number of episodes: 60
- Watch here: