The Order (2019)
Dennis Heaton developed The Order, a horror drama streaming television series written by Heaton, Shelley Eriksen, Rachel Langer, Jennica Harper, Penny Gummerson, and Jason Filiatrault. On March 7, 2019, Netflix released the first episode of the series. Jake Manley, Sarah Grey, Matt Frewer, Sam Trammell, Katharine Isabelle, and Max Martini star in the show. When the first season was released, it earned excellent reviews.
A college student decides to join a secret society, which leads him to a secret hidden world he was unaware of a world where a battle is already raging between werewolves and black magic specialists. Because of how predictable everything is, the program will first make you roll your eyes. But as time passes, everything simply becomes wilder and stranger, but that's when it really gets better as the narrative begins to deepen. Even the performers do an excellent job of representing their roles. Also, it's one of the most recent werewolf series to be released, so you've only missed out on season one till now.
Detailed information:
Created by: Dennis Heaton
Stars: Jake Manley, Sarah Grey
Original release: March 7, 2019 – June 18, 2020
Link to watch: