The Sailor Cousins
In the 1990s, Sailor Moon was one of the first anime shows to become popular with Western audiences. The franchise is worth billions of dollars and is still going strong after more than 30 years. Despite this, there were some noticeable differences between the show's Japanese origins and the English version seen by Western audiences. The most egregious translation change involved Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus.
These figures are cousins in the West. They are very close cousins. The English translations make them relatives, yet they are a couple in the source material. The relationship was adjusted to make it less contentious in the West, avoiding the idea of a lesbian couple, which the studio thought was inappropriate for a children's show. They arguably created something more controversial because all they did was change the dialogue, resulting in a pair of cousins who were clearly flirty and romantic with one another. Because the translation was unable to adequately account for their on-screen actions, the entire show became strange.