
It is safe to take with or without food.

To reduce the risk of insomnia, avoid taking the last dose of the day after 5 p.m. Bupropion twice daily dosings should be separated by at least eight hours, and bupropion three times daily dosings should be separated by at least six hours.

Bupropion should be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

Whether used as an antidepressant or a smoking cessation aid, bupropion should be started at a low dose and gradually increased over several days. Your doctor will advise you on how to proceed. Bupropion controlled-release forms should be swallowed whole. Crushing, dividing, or chewing may increase the risk of adverse effects such as seizures.

Zyban and Aplenzin both contain the active ingredient bupropion, and the two should never be used together.

Bupropion may impair your judgment and ability to drive or operate heavy machinery. If bupropion has this effect on you, avoid performing dangerous tasks such as driving.

If you're using bupropion to help you quit smoking, begin treatment while you're still smoking and at least one week (maximum of two weeks) before your planned quit date to ensure that your body's concentration of bupropion is at an effective level. You should strive for total abstinence (no smoking at all past your quit day).

If you've been taking bupropion for 7 to 12 weeks and haven't quit smoking, it's unlikely that you will, so talk to your doctor about discontinuing it and reevaluating other treatment options. Some people, however, may benefit from longer than 12 weeks of bupropion treatment. Counseling and other support to help you quit smoking are important in addition to bupropion treatment for smoking cessation. Don't give up if your first attempt to quit smoking fails. According to studies, some smokers may need up to 30 attempts to successfully quit. Try again when the conditions are better.

Bupropion should be started in the autumn before the onset of depressive symptoms, continued throughout the winter season, and tapered off in the early spring when used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Be on the lookout for changes in behavior or mood, such as agitation, depression, or suicidal ideation. If any changes appear, seek immediate medical attention.

If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction (itchiness, rash, swelling), stop taking bupropion and seek immediate medical attention.

Consult your doctor right away if you experience eye pain, visual disturbances, swelling or redness around the eye.

If you're taking bupropion for depression, don't stop suddenly unless your doctor tells you to or if you have an allergic reaction. If you need to stop taking bupropion, your doctor will tell you how to do so gradually.

Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption because your tolerance to it may be reduced while taking bupropion, and it may also increase your risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events.

Before taking any other medication with bupropion, including over-the-counter medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Bupropion is not advised to be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding. If you become pregnant while taking bupropion, contact your doctor right away.


Top 7 Things to Know About Bupropion

  1. top 1 How it works
  2. top 2 Upsides
  3. top 3 Downsides
  4. top 4 Bottom Line
  5. top 5 Tips
  6. top 6 Response and effectiveness
  7. top 7 Interactions

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