Torta tal-Lampuki
Top 5 in Top 12 Malta's Speciality Foods

This is another another Maltese dish that is highly famous among the locals. It's known as 'torta tal-lampuki' in the area, and it's created from a type of sea beam fish called Lampuki, which has different colors when fresh. Between August and November, this variety of fish is at its peak. The 'lampuki' is sold in the streets of Malta by small sellers or trucks. Dough and cauliflower or spinach are also used in the meal.
This sort of food may be prepared in a variety of ways, including shallow frying and baking in the oven. Because this is a traditional Maltese meal, the recipe for traditional torta tal-lampuki is passed down from generation to generation, and it may differ from one family to the next. There are, however, easily available recipes that show how to make a great Lampuki dinner. This meal is sold at a variety of places, and it is usually served as a pie.