Ungungi Mountain is Angola's third highest peak. It is located in the province of Huambo, near the town of Calobombo, at an elevation of 8,238 feet above sea level. This peak is only a short distance from Moco, as noted previously. Sunrise is at 06:03 in the morning and sunset is at 18:02 in the evening at Monte Ungungi. It's getting dark.
Many unusual plants and animals can be found on this peak. Angola's mountains are threatened by a variety of environmental factors. Deforestation is perhaps the most serious of these. Deforestation not only puts local species at risk by eliminating natural habitats, but it also raises the risk of soil erosion. Because this mountain is not designated as a special protected area, these issues are likely to persist.
From May to July, the weather is cooler, and the rainy season begins around September. The mountain also features a diverse forest-grassland mosaic ecological zone, as well as numerous unique plant and animal species that must be protected.
Location: the province of Huambo
Elevation: 2,511 m