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Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

Using Python to Interact with the Operating System ranks 5th on the list of best online operating system courses. You will be able to manipulate files and processes on your computer's operating system by the end of this course. You'll also have learned about regular expressions, a powerful tool for processing text files, and will have practiced using the Linux command line on a virtual machine. You'll also write a program that processes a bunch of errors in an actual log file and then generates a summary file, which may seem like a stretch right now. That is a very useful skill for IT professionals to have.

You'll begin by looking at how to run Python locally, as well as how to organize and use code across multiple Python files. You'll then learn how to read and write various file types, as well as how to use subprocesses and input streams. You'll also look at Bash scripting and regular expressions, both of which are extremely useful tools for anyone working with systems. You'll also discuss automated testing, which allows us to automate the process of determining whether or not the code is correct. Finally, You'll tie everything together by processing data and generating automated reports with the tools you've acquired. You'll also show you how to create your own developer environment on your own machine. This is a critical step in developing and deploying powerful automation tools.

What you will learn:

  • Setup, configure, and use your own developer environment in Python
  • Manipulate files and processes running on the Operating System using Python
  • Understand and use regular expressions (regex), a powerful tool for processing text files
  • Know when to choose Bash or Python, and create small scripts using Bash

Rating: 4.7/5.0

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