Top 10 Best Effective Solutions for Sciatica Pain
Sciatica is also known as sciatic nerve pain. The sciatic nerve has a functional role that governs the sensation of movement, nutrition, and nourishment of the ... read it passes through. Sciatica is a pain sensation along the path of the sciatic nerve. Patients with sciatica will manifest lumbar spine pain, outer thigh pain, lower leg pain, ankle pain, and pain up to the toes,... It depends on the location of the sciatic nerve damage pain and the direction of spread will be different. Patients may experience sharp, dull, or severe pain that is extremely uncomfortable. So, how to relieve the pain and find the best effective solutions for sciatica pain, please read the article below!
Acupressure massage is one of the home remedies for sciatica pain that is not used by many people. Patients can ask a professional to perform a massage to help heat the painful area, reduce pain, and numbness, and increase pain tolerance for the body. The patient lies face down on the bed, the practitioner uses the palm of the hand to rub evenly along the path of the sciatic nerve from the waist down to the buttocks, thighs, and shins. This also helps to relax tendon muscles, soften muscles, reduce spasticity, and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Massage can stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain, and bring blood to the affected area. The performer closes the fingers, the thumb is slightly pointed out, puts the palms on the muscle blocks along the path of the sciatic nerve, then squeezes gently. The performer needs to identify the acupuncture points and use the thumb to press on these points with moderate force to help relieve pain, heat up acupoints, increase blood circulation, and release pressure for the pinched sciatic nerve area.
Acupressure massage Acupressure massage -
Sleeping in the right position is also one of the simple ways to help repel sciatica pain. Therefore, patients can adjust their sleeping position to reduce pain and unwanted side effects when waking up from sleep. Sleep positions to relieve sciatica include lying on the side. You can lie on your side without pain, to support the upper leg, the patient needs to clamp a thin pillow between the knees.
The reclining position also helps maintain the natural curve of the spine, the sciatic nerve and the rest of the body are relaxed. Patients should put a soft pillow under the knee so that the nerve is not stretched and sleep better. In addition, the sleeping space should also be improved, such as a mattress with moderate elasticity, not too hard and too soft, and a cool, quiet, dark bedroom that will have a deeper and better sleep.
Sleeping in the right position Sleeping in the right position -
This treatment helps to open up blood vessels, better blood circulation to the damaged nerve area, reduce muscle spasms, and reduce pressure on the nerve. Patients can soak in a warm bath or shower. You can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil, cajeput oil, or ginger essential oil in combination with a full body massage for better sciatica relief. Besides, the patient can also apply the hot compress for the same effect as taking a warm bath.
If a cold compress works when the pain first appears, a hot compress will help reduce pain after 48 hours. Patients can use hot towels, ice packs, and hot pads to apply to the painful area. Hot compresses will directly affect the area of the painful sciatic nerve, reducing pain and stiffness. However, the hot compress method is not suitable for people with sciatica with swelling and inflammation. High temperatures can stimulate blood circulation to the site of inflammation, making the inflammation worse.
Take a warm bath and apply a hot compress Take a warm bath and apply a hot compress -
When the pain is too severe, the body needs rest. Conversely, if the pain is already relieved, exercise is a long-term way for you to treat and prevent the disease from returning. You can refer to some exercises to standing up close to the foot of the stairs, then putting one foot to go up the first step. Slowly stretch forward for about 30 seconds, keeping your spine straight and breathing deeply. Finish the movement, and you return to the starting position. Then you switch legs and do the same on each side about 3 times.
The effect of this movement is to relieve pain and release pressure on the sciatic nerve. Besides the above exercises, you can choose some other training methods under the advice of experts such as yoga or walking, etc. At the same time, patients should pay attention to adjusting postures during pregnancy in daily activities, so that the disease does not become more serious. Furthermore, pay attention to nutrition issues to improve health and maintain a moderate weight, and a balanced physique.
Do some exercises at home Do some exercises at home -
During the treatment process, each patient will be diagnosed and treated by different doctors according to a different regimen depending on each person's pathology. Many patients with mild symptoms do not need medication, but just need to rest and adjust their daily routine. But there are also cases of severe disease requiring surgical intervention if indicated by a doctor. The most common treatment today for people with new-onset sciatica is the use of drugs. Because drugs often give pain relief quite quickly. However, patients need to understand the drugs to use them correctly and effectively.
Over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve mild sciatica such as Acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. When using pain relievers, the patient needs to take the correct dose and time as prescribed by the doctor or pharmacist, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose or increase or decrease time, to avoid causing side effects such as stomach bleeding, and liver and kidney function is affected.
Pain relief medicine Pain relief medicine -
There are many causes of sciatica. Most of the people who catch this disease have herniated discs. In addition, abnormal lumbar spine caused by congenital or related diseases can also lead to sciatica symptoms. If not treated in time, it can lead to serious complications that greatly affect later life. At this time, the patient will suffer from prolonged pain, even the smallest movements such as changing positions, sneezing, or coughing will cause pain. Especially, at night, the pain will be more and more, affecting the quality of sleep and leading to poor health.
Your emotions can play a role in the formation of pain. Stress causes muscles to tense and makes the pain seem worse. Biofeedback shows how your thoughts and behaviors affect your breathing and heart rate. This therapy can help you feel better. You can also try cognitive behavioral therapy with a mental health professional for guidance in changing your behavior and thinking.
Control stress Control stress -
To prevent sciatica, you need to change your living habits such as exercising regularly, with enough quality, supporting blood circulation, and creating nutritional conditions for organs and joints. Exercises to improve the flexibility and strength of the back muscles can be used together with the spine to strengthen the abdominal muscles and increase the flexibility of the spine. Avoid injury to the spine, and avoid falling on the floor.
For the timely treatment of degenerative diseases, do not lie on mattresses with box springs that are too thick and soft. During pregnancy, care should be taken to avoid heavy objects, especially heavy objects in a hunched position. To avoid excessive stress on the spine, the patient can wear a belt when carrying heavy objects, make the weight of the object evenly distributed on both sides of the body, and never carry heavy objects on one side or inside for a long time. Finally, if you are diagnosed early, the person with sciatica will require aggressive treatment prescribed by a chiropractor.
Change your living habits Change your living habits -
Using folk remedies is one of the simple home remedies for sciatica to help improve the condition. According to traditional medicine, Achyranthes Aspera has a cool, sour taste. This herb has the effect of nourishing blood, nourishing the liver and kidney, breaking stasis, clearing heat, clearing urine, strengthening tendons, relieving pain, strengthening the immune system, strengthening blood vessels, increasing blood flow, and relieving pain,... In addition, this herb also works to improve bone health and function.
To limit damage and relieve sciatica at home, patients can use Ming aralia. This herb has a sweet and slightly bitter taste, is cool, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes blood circulation, and increases the ability to regenerate damaged joints. In addition, Ming aralia also has the effect of reducing joint pain, sciatica, rheumatism, anti-fatigue, and body weakness. Centella also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and treating heat very well. In addition, Centella juice is also one of the male remedies for sciatica. Centella is very effective in treating neuralgia.
Take advantage of the benefits of plants Take advantage of the benefits of plants -
An epidural injection is the introduction of medication into the space around the spinal cord (epidural space) to temporarily reduce inflammation caused by a herniated disc. The injection can reduce pain and swell in or around spinal nerve roots, as well as around damaged nerves that have not been able to heal in time. To determine the exact injection site, your doctor may use a fluoroscopy or CT scan. This will help the doctor identify the specific area of pain so that the patient gets the maximum treatment benefit from the injections.
Many cases of severe, terrible pain spread along the lumbar spine, difficulty in living, and unable to walk on their own. After the treatment according to the epidural injection regimen, the patient was able to move normally again, the pain was significantly reduced. This is a simple and very effective technique in many cases of acute pain, is less invasive, preserves the disc, and reduces the proportion of patients requiring surgery.
Epidural injection Epidural injection -
Sciatica makes life more difficult for patients because of the persistent pain in the muscles and the inconvenience of movement. If the patient suffers from persistent, persistent pain. Using too much pain reliever without effect, surgery to solve sciatica is the last solution. You should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and advice on the best specific surgery.
According to the research of many experts, the surgical method is only really appropriate and necessary for patients with high and severe sciatica. Currently, medicine is very developed, so many types of sciatica surgery are invented. Thus, it can be affirmed that if sciatica is in its early stages, it is not necessary to have surgery. However, with some more dangerous cases, we need to follow up to decide on the most timely surgery.
Surgery Surgery