Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

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Anya Taylor Joy has been in the scene for quite a few years, yet her fame only started to escalate after Netflix’ global hit, The Queen’s Gambit. Hence, some ... read more...

  1. The Witch is the most well-crafted and superb horror picture of the previous decade. It was also Taylor-first Joy's main role in a film; and thus, it is quite appropriate that our evaluation of her career starts with this film.

    Thomasin, played by Taylor-Joy, is exiled from a community in 1640s New England and continues to live with her family in the woods. The clan, with Thomasin at its core, begins to experience suffering. Thomasin's universe is translucent in a manner that makes it appear otherworldly, yet it is also profoundly rooted in the dread of reality. She is a character from a horrible fairy tale brought to life before our eyes.

    The film's escalating tension is unavoidable and loud, drawing the audience further into the horror that is engulfing this family. It seems God wants this family to face their ultimate doom; their destiny is irreversibly sealed.

    The movie is a major tragedy - but one that every cinema lover wants to watch from beginning to end. The film is flawless and refuses to let you forget about it as it worms its way into your subconscious. Every time you rewatch "The Witch", the terror only increases, instilled deep within your psyche. It is one of the best movies of Anya Taylor Joy in our memory.

    Year of Release: 2015

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%

    Source: IMDB
    Source: IMDB
    Source: Screen Rant
    Source: Screen Rant

  2. Thoroughbreds is a tricky balance that is amazing in handling its own tone. The picture is only ranked second on our list because the first film is so exceptional. It is definitely among the best movies of Anya Taylor Joy.

    Taylor-Joy (playing Lily) and Olivia Cooke (playing Amanda) are in some ways polar opposites, yet they have more similarities than they originally believed. The movie follows the duo as they strive to reunite and concoct a plot to assassinate Lily's tyrannical stepfather.

    Despite this darkness, the relationship between the two buddies in Thoroughbreds remains incredibly captivating. Amanda is quite chilly in her demeanor, but not indifferent. All of this derives from the truth that she cannot feel or experience emotions in the same manner as everyone else.

    Observing this interplay between Olivia and Anya is heartbreaking; nonetheless, you cannot turn away from their grief, which instead drags you further into their world. By the time everything collapses, you feel grief for the protagonists. You wish that the world had been different for them, although you also understand that such a dream would never have been possible.

    The outcome is a picture that leaves an indelible mark on your mind - particularly in the concluding moments of melancholy and unsettling catharsis.

    Year of Release: 2017

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 87%

    Source: The Guardian
    Source: The Guardian
    Source: Variety
    Source: Variety
  3. Top 3


    This movie adaptation of Jane Austen's famous novel is distinguished from all previous adaptations thanks to added details at the conclusion. Emma is a movie whose appeal to the audience has only increased since they first watched it. That is largely due to Anya's acting, who has successfully taken the role of Emma Woodhouse unlike any ever seen.

    In this 2020 rendition, the character's crueler and more cunning traits are amplified. In addition to being naively and unintentionally harsh, Anya's depiction of Emma has a more damaging side.

    When she gets to people's anxieties, though, the force of her comments is felt regardless. The expression on the faces of those who witness her indifference to anyone's emotions other than her own is excruciating to see, yet still captivating. Anya presents a far more multifaceted Emma, which adds unexpected depth to an established character.

    The film's balance is provided by Johnny Flynn's remarkable performance as Knightley, who challenges Emma's attitude to others and evolves into a significantly more complex character. Even though there are times when it seems like nothing is occurring in the plot, all is forgiven when the underlying tension between the two becomes apparent.

    Year of Release: 2020

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86%

    Source: Indiewire
    Source: Indiewire
    Source: Vox
    Source: Vox
  4. Top 4


    Of course, we cannot skip Split, a horror picture that mostly succeeds when you don't consider the film's less coherent sequel (Glass). Anya, though not the center character, largely contributes to the unexpected success of the franchise.

    Indeed, the character of Casey, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, is among the most laudable elements of this picture. The horrific notion of being abducted to a mysterious place where no one can ever see or find you serves as an effective hook. Anya Taylor-Joy imbues her role with a surprising degree of seriousness, which lifts the plot above being just an abduction story.

    Her delicate looks and quiet moments scream the most, despite the fact that her performance is not the most flamboyant. The film creates a fundamental relationship between her character and itself, making her the unifying force. Without her, the film's effect would be significantly diminished.

    This effect is felt most strongly at the conclusion, at least before one last twist occurs. Unexpectedly poignant and even beautiful is the discovery she makes about her past and the friendship she creates with McAvoy's character. The horrifying aspect of the emerging predicament - and how it transforms into something utterly unpredictable - has lent "Split" an advantage, even if the franchise does not quite keep this goal in the subsequent movies.

    Year of Release: 2016

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86%

    Source: Den of Geek
    Source: Den of Geek
    Source: ScreenCrush
    Source: ScreenCrush
  5. Top 5


    Another film with only one word as the title - yet it is worlds apart from some options we introduced above. Barry alludes to Mr. Barack "Barry" Obama, and this is a biography (kind of) about the nation's first African-American president.

    Devon Terrell, a relative newbie at the time, portrayed the youthful Obama as he attempted to find direction in his life during his early college days. In college, he meets Charlotte (played by Anya), a fellow student in his politics science course, who quickly becomes his love interest. Given that we know who he will marry in the future, their relationship is bound to fail. This gives their connection a sorrowful but compelling sense of inevitability.

    The fact that both are different individuals from various backgrounds is not overlooked; rather, it is brought to the forefront of the narrative, with a focus on how they both see the world depending on their respective experiences, giving the narrative considerably more depth.

    "Barry" delivers a subtle sense of sorrow as things start to fall apart due to the fault of either character. Taylor-Joy and Terrell play off each other nicely whenever the situation calls for it. You grow to really care for them and are saddened by the conviction that the situation will not improve regardless of their actions.

    Year of Release: 2016

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 80%

    Source: Teen Vogue
    Source: Teen Vogue
    Source: Your Next Shoes
    Source: Your Next Shoes
  6. It's unfortunate that some audiences couldn't connect with this film, since such films are normally perfectly up for mainstream reception.

    Marrowbone is a cryptic, often-subtle horror film that strives very hard to create a terrifying mood. Jack, played by George MacKay, is the oldest sibling of numerous younger sisters, whom he is striving to protect from a mysterious evil entity in the house where they now dwell. Anya portrays Allie, a friend who develops a friendship with Jack throughout the course of the film. When it becomes more apparent that whatever is occurring at her home is not the same as how her family perceives it, she is the one who understands the situation the most clearly.

    The closest comparison to Marrowbone would be a masterpiece like The Others, although Marrowbone is not nearly as well constructed. More information would disclose too much for my readers; but we can say that the film depends on a few significant disclosures that question and upend the whole plot.

    As a result, we still found it a bit challenging to rank this movie higher, since most of what happens in the movie is a bit predictable and only becomes more interesting at the conclusion.

    Year of Release: 2017

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 49%

    Source: Little White Lies
    Source: Little White Lies
    Source: IGN
    Source: IGN
  7. Top 7


    Morgan is the movie that features Anya's most extensive bodily makeover. She seems inhumanly white for her portrayal as Morgan, a bioengineered youngster who matured far more rapidly than usual, already walking and talking at just a few months of age. However, she eventually becomes aggressive and wants to retaliate against those who reared and imprisoned her. This implies that Lee Weathers, played by Kate Mara, must step in to restore order. Yet, anarchy quickly ensues, and the power that the scientists believed they held over Morgan disintegrates entirely.

    "Morgan" isn't the most revolutionary story, as it frequently seems predictable and scripted. Nevertheless, it is a solid piece of action-mixed science fiction with fascinating directing by Luke Scott - the son of the famed science fiction filmmaker Ridley Scott. Anya Taylor Joy delivers a dedicated performance characterized by quiet and violent outbursts.

    Inadvertently, by the moment the last twists in the film occur, some audience might be left with a sensation of emptiness. There was promise for a picture with more ambition and scale, but this never materialized. Such an unfortunate outcome may be attributable in large part to the undeniable fact that Morgan's total budget was just approximately $8 million, necessitating some sacrifices.

    Year of Release: 2016

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 37%

    Source: Game Rant
    Source: Game Rant
    Source: IMDB
    Source: IMDB

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