Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan


Of course, we cannot skip Split, a horror picture that mostly succeeds when you don't consider the film's less coherent sequel (Glass). Anya, though not the center character, largely contributes to the unexpected success of the franchise.

Indeed, the character of Casey, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, is among the most laudable elements of this picture. The horrific notion of being abducted to a mysterious place where no one can ever see or find you serves as an effective hook. Anya Taylor-Joy imbues her role with a surprising degree of seriousness, which lifts the plot above being just an abduction story.

Her delicate looks and quiet moments scream the most, despite the fact that her performance is not the most flamboyant. The film creates a fundamental relationship between her character and itself, making her the unifying force. Without her, the film's effect would be significantly diminished.

This effect is felt most strongly at the conclusion, at least before one last twist occurs. Unexpectedly poignant and even beautiful is the discovery she makes about her past and the friendship she creates with McAvoy's character. The horrifying aspect of the emerging predicament - and how it transforms into something utterly unpredictable - has lent "Split" an advantage, even if the franchise does not quite keep this goal in the subsequent movies.

Year of Release: 2016

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86%

Source: Den of Geek
Source: Den of Geek
Source: ScreenCrush
Source: ScreenCrush

Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan

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