Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan


This movie adaptation of Jane Austen's famous novel is distinguished from all previous adaptations thanks to added details at the conclusion. Emma is a movie whose appeal to the audience has only increased since they first watched it. That is largely due to Anya's acting, who has successfully taken the role of Emma Woodhouse unlike any ever seen.

In this 2020 rendition, the character's crueler and more cunning traits are amplified. In addition to being naively and unintentionally harsh, Anya's depiction of Emma has a more damaging side.

When she gets to people's anxieties, though, the force of her comments is felt regardless. The expression on the faces of those who witness her indifference to anyone's emotions other than her own is excruciating to see, yet still captivating. Anya presents a far more multifaceted Emma, which adds unexpected depth to an established character.

The film's balance is provided by Johnny Flynn's remarkable performance as Knightley, who challenges Emma's attitude to others and evolves into a significantly more complex character. Even though there are times when it seems like nothing is occurring in the plot, all is forgiven when the underlying tension between the two becomes apparent.

Year of Release: 2020

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86%

Source: Indiewire
Source: Indiewire
Source: Vox
Source: Vox

Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan

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