Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan


Another film with only one word as the title - yet it is worlds apart from some options we introduced above. Barry alludes to Mr. Barack "Barry" Obama, and this is a biography (kind of) about the nation's first African-American president.

Devon Terrell, a relative newbie at the time, portrayed the youthful Obama as he attempted to find direction in his life during his early college days. In college, he meets Charlotte (played by Anya), a fellow student in his politics science course, who quickly becomes his love interest. Given that we know who he will marry in the future, their relationship is bound to fail. This gives their connection a sorrowful but compelling sense of inevitability.

The fact that both are different individuals from various backgrounds is not overlooked; rather, it is brought to the forefront of the narrative, with a focus on how they both see the world depending on their respective experiences, giving the narrative considerably more depth.

"Barry" delivers a subtle sense of sorrow as things start to fall apart due to the fault of either character. Taylor-Joy and Terrell play off each other nicely whenever the situation calls for it. You grow to really care for them and are saddened by the conviction that the situation will not improve regardless of their actions.

Year of Release: 2016

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 80%

Source: Teen Vogue
Source: Teen Vogue
Source: Your Next Shoes
Source: Your Next Shoes

Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan

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