Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan

The Witch

The Witch is the most well-crafted and superb horror picture of the previous decade. It was also Taylor-first Joy's main role in a film; and thus, it is quite appropriate that our evaluation of her career starts with this film.

Thomasin, played by Taylor-Joy, is exiled from a community in 1640s New England and continues to live with her family in the woods. The clan, with Thomasin at its core, begins to experience suffering. Thomasin's universe is translucent in a manner that makes it appear otherworldly, yet it is also profoundly rooted in the dread of reality. She is a character from a horrible fairy tale brought to life before our eyes.

The film's escalating tension is unavoidable and loud, drawing the audience further into the horror that is engulfing this family. It seems God wants this family to face their ultimate doom; their destiny is irreversibly sealed.

The movie is a major tragedy - but one that every cinema lover wants to watch from beginning to end. The film is flawless and refuses to let you forget about it as it worms its way into your subconscious. Every time you rewatch "The Witch", the terror only increases, instilled deep within your psyche. It is one of the best movies of Anya Taylor Joy in our memory.

Year of Release: 2015

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%

Source: IMDB
Source: IMDB
Source: Screen Rant
Source: Screen Rant

Top 7 Best Movies of Anya Taylor Joy

  1. top 1 The Witch
  2. top 2 Thoroughbreds
  3. top 3 Emma
  4. top 4 Split
  5. top 5 Barry
  6. top 6 Marrowbone
  7. top 7 Morgan

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