Top 10 Largest Bag Manufacturers in China
Buying leather bags from China will be very helpful as Chinese customers are among the most up-to-date when it comes to the latest fashion trends. If you want ... read find information about the history of brands, you can discover the list of the largest bag manufacturers in China.
SLBAG has more than 16 years of experience in the industry with 20 factories in Guangzhou that can produce around 500,000 bags per year. If you are looking for ladies’ leather handbag manufacturers in China, SLBAG can offer you wholesale leather bags at affordable prices. They offer OEM and ODM services and can also give you samples based on your preferred material, style, design, and others.
The SLBAG company focuses on manufacturing both genuine and vegan leather bags. Aside from customized designs, they also offer customized packaging. You will find their various leather bag materials and logo options on their website. These include vegetable-tanned leather, crocodile leather, and pebbled leather. For the logo options, you can choose from embroidery logos, metal logos, embossed logos, and more. Moreover, SLBAG has more than 3,500 styles you can choose from. The MOQ for the handbags is 100 pieces but it’s 500 pieces for customized logos and customized packaging.Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Website: 2002
Sitoy Group is one of China's most famous bag manufacturers and was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 2011. Its key products are bags for designer brands Guess and Prada. The Sitoy Group and its affiliates are significant makers and suppliers of a branded bridge to luxury items, small leather bags, and travel items in China. This group has a well-deserved reputation for providing quality, adaptability, efficiency, and creativity to many of the world’s most prestigious fashion brands.
The Sitoy Group operates via two business segments; the manufacturing segment produces handbags and a range of goods for brands owned by other businesses. It currently has close to 100 points of sales in a major retail network covering Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, and continues to expand business in other cities and via electronic commerce, with growing numbers of points of sales online and offline. You can look for a reliable Guangzhou sourcing agent like MatchSourcing to help you import stylish handbags from Sitoy bag in intact condition.Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Website: 1968
Orient is a Chinese bag manufacturer that was established in 1983, when their founder, Ricky Li, launched a bag and accessory manufacturing business in Fujian. What started with 50 employees in a modest rented facility in the yard of a local school has developed into a multi-plant operation. Orient has always been known as a bag manufacturer that stands behind its quality of products. A major concept that governs their organization is producing high-quality products while also delivering excellent service at a reasonable price.
Orient makes backpacks, school bags, laptop bags, tote bags, tactical products, tool bags and cosmetic pouches, and much more. One of the main areas of focus is law enforcement bags. With over 30 years of experience, Orient has the knowledge and expertise in handling every aspect of bag manufacturing. There are currently more than 1,000 workers working in a factory space of 46, 000 square meters and the factories have been ISO9001 certified since 2004. The company employs over 650 workers on the production line alone and manufactures approximately 460,000 wallets per month; 100, 000 rucksacks per month; and 40,000 laptop bags.Headquarters: Quanzhou, China
Founded: 1983
J.D. Handbag Factory is one of the prominent handbag makers and handbag suppliers in China, specializing in producing a wide range of stylish handbags with excellent quality and service. They have a well-trained development and management staff that produces 80,000 units each month. J.D. Handbag Factory produces handbags made of various materials including leather, PU, nylon, canvas, and more.
In addition, J.D. Handbag Factory can customize handbags according to the customer's requirements. This company has a strict quality control system to ensure that its products meet high standards. They conduct inspections during every stage of the production process, from material selection to final packaging. The company is ISO 9001 certified, which means they have a quality management system in place to ensure the consistent quality of its products. J.D. Handbag Factory also exports its products to countries all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Australia.Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Website: 2000
Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods was founded in 1993 as a ladies’ purse manufacturer in China. Genuine leather OEM service is available for leather clothing companies. They have well-established and reliable production lines that can swiftly turn over customized leather goods. They now employ over 200 people, and the factory covers an area of 8800 square meters. The product range of Guangzhou Boshen includes handbags, wallets, belts, and other leather accessories. They use genuine leather, PU leather and synthetic leather to create high-quality and stylish products.
Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods has a large and modern factory, equipped with advanced machinery and equipment, which allows them to produce leather goods in large quantities. It has a team of skilled workers and experienced designers who ensure that all products are made to meet the highest quality standards. In addition to manufacturing, Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods also offers customized design and production services to meet the specific requirements of their customers. They have a strong reputation for providing excellent customer service and timely delivery.Headquarters: Guangzhou, China
Website: 1993
Wenzhou Tianrui Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. was established in March 2007 with a registered capital of 20 million yuan. The company is dominated by non-woven fabrics, equipped with various fashionable high-end environmental protection bags and other non-woven products, integrating design, development, production, and sales. With a strong workforce, Tianrui uses 15,000 tons of fabric per year to create many goods for export to many countries such as the UK, France, etc.
Wenzhou Tianrui has successively introduced spun-bonded polypropylene non-woven fabric production lines that represent the domestic advantage level to provide customers according to the needs of the product market. It has successively developed a variety of deep-processed products such as antistatic, anti-ageing, antibacterial, flame retardant, acid, and alkali resistance. Through the development in recent years, Tianrui achieved an output value of over 100 million yuan in 2012, becoming one of the top 100 enterprises in Cangnan County.Headquarters: Longgang, China
Website: Http://
Founded: 2007 -
As the best bag manufacturer & supplier in China, Honeyoung has been focused on producing backpacks, school bags, kids' bags, cooler bags, duffle bags, drawstring bags, etc. The company has a team of over 300 people working in China. High quality, the precise date of delivery and the best price is their everlasting commitments. Every product of Honeyoung is designed by well-known designers in Japan, the USA or Europe.
As a result, the style and quality of Anhui Honeyoung’s products are being recognized as one of the best in the world. With a good management and quality system (ISO 9001) accredited by BSI, the company is able to sell its products all over the country with more than 600 distribution points in many big cities in China. In the addition, Anhui Honeyoung also exports to more than 100 countries and regions, including the USA, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Japan, the Middle East and South East Asia, forming a huge sales network worldwide.
Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Website: 1998
Quanzhou ZiYan Light Industry Co., Ltd. is classed as a foreign sole proprietorship, founded in 1989 and currently employs more than 2,000 staff, working in a plant construction area of 55 thousand meters, featuring advanced production workshops and equipment, forming specialized production systems. The main products of Quanzhou ZiYan include shopping bags, cool bags, travel bags, student bags, purses, briefcases and all kinds of stationery, pencil cases, all sorts of men and women dragged sandals, children's shoes, EVA shoes, and kids' series, etc.
The products are of high quality and are very popular in Southeast Asia, Europe, the United States, Africa, and other international markets. Quanzhou ZiYan Light Industry Co., Ltd. enjoys a relatively high public profile and reputation. The company also has robust capital and technology, in tandem with effective quality-management systems. Their high-quality product range, as well as excellent after-sales care, receive consistently high praise from customers at home and abroad. In addition, Quanzhou Ziyan Light Industry had plans for a large new factory (over 100,000 square meters) in Shuangyang, Quanzhou.Headquarters: Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Website: 1989
Quanzhou Twinkling Star Handbag Company Ltd. was built in 1995 and specializes in an extensive range of rucksacks, school bags, travel bags, children's bags, lunch bags, and many types of fabric bags. Over 20 years of hard work and investments have led to the company's development and expansion on an impressive scale. The Quanzhou Twinkling Star Handbag Company currently owns 15,000 square meters of building area, 18 efficient production lines, and generates millions of annual sales.
Twinkling Star supplies products to many leading companies in the world including Walt Disney, Auchan, Carrefour, and New Balance. Waterproof canvas rucksacks and backpacks suitable for use as school bags or outdoor bags are a speciality of Twinkling Star. The company is also open to diversified types of cooperation: OEM, ODM, and original design. With the planned strategic extension, the business scale of the company is set to become further optimized and expanded. This company is famous for its commitment to the principle of 'Quality First and Customers First'.
Headquarters: Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Website: 1995
Shenzhen Trendy Leather Products was established in 2011, specializing in the manufacturing of a wide range of leather bag products. The company occupies an area of 12,000 square meters, with a workforce of more than 300 well-trained staff and it offers over 200 designs for ladies’ handbags. Shenzhen Trendy Leather Products use materials such as cow leather, bonded leather, cow split leather, canvas, nylon, PU, and PVC.
In order to be competitive with the market, Shenzhen Trendy always brings in new production techniques. With the use of high-quality materials, their products are widely popular and adopted by various industries. Due to the professional experience, advanced techniques and highest trustworthiness in service, their company has won a good reputation. Shenzhen Trendy is currently cooperating with clients from the USA, Europe, and other Asian countries but their main markets are North America, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.Headquarters: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Website: 2011