J.D Handbag Factory
J.D. Handbag Factory is one of the prominent handbag makers and handbag suppliers in China, specializing in producing a wide range of stylish handbags with excellent quality and service. They have a well-trained development and management staff that produces 80,000 units each month. J.D. Handbag Factory produces handbags made of various materials including leather, PU, nylon, canvas, and more.
In addition, J.D. Handbag Factory can customize handbags according to the customer's requirements. This company has a strict quality control system to ensure that its products meet high standards. They conduct inspections during every stage of the production process, from material selection to final packaging. The company is ISO 9001 certified, which means they have a quality management system in place to ensure the consistent quality of its products. J.D. Handbag Factory also exports its products to countries all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Australia.
Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Website: https://www.jdhandbagfactory.com/
Founded: 2000