SLBAG has more than 16 years of experience in the industry with 20 factories in Guangzhou that can produce around 500,000 bags per year. If you are looking for ladies’ leather handbag manufacturers in China, SLBAG can offer you wholesale leather bags at affordable prices. They offer OEM and ODM services and can also give you samples based on your preferred material, style, design, and others.
The SLBAG company focuses on manufacturing both genuine and vegan leather bags. Aside from customized designs, they also offer customized packaging. You will find their various leather bag materials and logo options on their website. These include vegetable-tanned leather, crocodile leather, and pebbled leather. For the logo options, you can choose from embroidery logos, metal logos, embossed logos, and more. Moreover, SLBAG has more than 3,500 styles you can choose from. The MOQ for the handbags is 100 pieces but it’s 500 pieces for customized logos and customized packaging.
Headquarters: Guangdong, China
Founded: 2002