Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods
Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods was founded in 1993 as a ladies’ purse manufacturer in China. Genuine leather OEM service is available for leather clothing companies. They have well-established and reliable production lines that can swiftly turn over customized leather goods. They now employ over 200 people, and the factory covers an area of 8800 square meters. The product range of Guangzhou Boshen includes handbags, wallets, belts, and other leather accessories. They use genuine leather, PU leather and synthetic leather to create high-quality and stylish products.
Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods has a large and modern factory, equipped with advanced machinery and equipment, which allows them to produce leather goods in large quantities. It has a team of skilled workers and experienced designers who ensure that all products are made to meet the highest quality standards. In addition to manufacturing, Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods also offers customized design and production services to meet the specific requirements of their customers. They have a strong reputation for providing excellent customer service and timely delivery.
Headquarters: Guangzhou, China
Founded: 1993