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30 Minutes a Day of Super Mario 64 Increased Gray Matter

When something goes wrong, people enjoy having a scapegoat. Rock 'n' roll was once the plague that afflicted young people. With heavy metal, that developed. Video games are another relatively recent development. Violence, poor academic performance, unemployment, sexual dysfunction, and a host of other issues are all attributed to video games.

However, it turns out that playing video games can enhance brain function and increase intelligence. Do you recall hearing that playing video games may lower your chances of Alzheimer's? The way it achieves it, though, can be advantageous to everyone, not just the vulnerable or aged. Video game playing has been demonstrated to enhance memory, planning, spatial orientation, and fine motor skills.

German adults were instructed to play Super Mario 64 for two months, every day for thirty minutes. They received MRIs after that. The amount of gray matter in their brains was noticeably higher than in the non-gaming control group. This might be seen in the cerebellum, right prefrontal cortex, and right hippocampal region.

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